Fairy Liquid Family πŸ˜ƒ

Our dishwasher packed up earlier this week – we have to wait another week for the engineer to come and fix it!

As you can imagine the bloody horror of all the washing up from a family of 6 plus, that now has to be done by hand 😳

But we’ve all knuckled down to the soap suds and done our fair share of washing up by hand – well apart from me yesterday – more fucking guilt to deal with!!!!

Its been rather fun, back to basics – the smell of good old Fairy Liquid taking us back to our childhoods – before a dishwasher was even heard of ……….. Β The kids all washing up together and working as a team – Jeff and I side by side, giggling as he tenderly wipes washing up bubbles from off my nose ….. ❀️ We’ve actually been like the Ingles family off Little House on the Prairie 😊

What a load of bollocks!!

Everyone has argued like mad about who’s turn it is to wash up – I’ve had to beg, bribe and threaten them all. Β I’ve held Jeff’s head under the water till his legs start to shake and then I’ve tenderly wiped the bubbles off his head when he agrees that yes, it is infact his turn to wash up 😜

We have another week of this – no wonder I’ve had a migraine! 😳😳

19 thoughts on “Fairy Liquid Family πŸ˜ƒ

      1. I could probably write a novel while doing so. I’ll be ready in an hour. Can I bring my colouring pencils?


  1. To be honest πŸ˜› I’m actually a little jealous that you can manage to get anyone to help with dishes! In our family of 5 it still is mostly me (unless Mr Mango is looking to get some brownie points for later). One disadvantage to moving to a home with no built in washer. At least I can consider it quality time to soak my knuckles in hot water!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! I run the house like a military operation – girls know they won’t get their pocket money if jobs not done. Jeff and the boys will do it but have to be prompted and reminded – usually with a shoe! 😁

      Lastly put some rubber gloves on – years down the line your poor little hands won’t thank you for all that soaking xx

      Liked by 1 person

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